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noun | noun | noun | verb | to phrases
guts n
gen. creva; stomak; utroba
inf. hrabrost; petlja; odlučnost; značaj; otpornost; izdržljivost
guts n
fig. odvažnost
gut [gʌt] n
gen. crevo; žica od ovčjeg creva; uzan prolaz; tesnac
fig. izdržljivost; odlučnost; otpornost; hrabrost; petlja
inf. creva; stomak; utroba
gut [gʌt] v
gen. izvaditi utrobu; očistiti; žderati; pohlepno jesti
fig. isprazniti; opljačkati; razoriti čitavu unutrašnjost
inf. popaliti; razoriti
 English thesaurus
guts n
slang courage (It takes a lot of guts to give the boss your true opinion)
gut [gʌt] abbr.
abbr., med. catgut
slang basic (The gut issue is about what we are going to do now); stomach (He got shot in the gut)
GUT [gʌt] abbr.
abbr. Grown Up Toys; gutter
abbr., el. gate underlaid transistor; grand unification theory
abbr., med. genitourinary tract (George Debugger)
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. gas disposition terminal
abbr., scient. Great Union Theory (larisa_kisa)
abbr., st.exch. Gabelli Utilities Trust
tech. grand unified theory; gutta-percha
GUTS abbr.
abbr. Get Up To Speak Toastmasters Club; Girls Using Technology Skillfully
abbr., build.struct. Guarantee Ultimate Tension Stress (http://www.gpsm.ru/developement/publications/article04.pdf sega_tarasov)
abbr., ed. Getting Up To Speed
abbr., ed., scient. Groningen University Theatre Society
abbr., el. Gothenburg University terminal system; guaranteed up-time support program
abbr., mil., avia. general imagery intelligence training system
abbr., sport. Gonzaga University Theater Sports
Guts n
mil., abbr. G
: 47 phrases in 5 subjects