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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
grass [grɑ:s] n
gen. paša; pašnjak; ispaša; travnjak
amer., slang marihuana
bot. trava
mining. tlo pod jamom; okno
slang cinkaroš; denuncijant; dostavljač; droga; informator; narkotik; obaveštač; pokajnik; potkazivač; saradnik policije; svedok pokajnik; taster; tračara; izveštač (Don't tell John about this, he's a grass and I don't want to get into trouble — Nemoj reći Džonu za ovo, on je tračara i ne želim da upadnem u nevolju)
grass [grɑ:s] v
gen. zasejati travom; beliti lan na travi
hunt. izvući ribu na obalu; oboriti na zemlju
slang srušiti na zemlju (protivnika); otkucati; potkazati; izdati nekoga
tech. signali visokih frekvencija
grass [grɑ:s] adj.
slang policijski doušnik
 English thesaurus
GRASS [grɑ:s] abbr.
abbr., desert. Geographic Resource Analysis Support System
abbr., oil geographic resource reference analysis support system
GRAS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. genetic rock association series; Geological Research Authority of the Sudan
grass [grɑ:s] abbr.
abbr., austral., slang mull (the kind you smoke)
abbr., cartogr. grs
slang marijuana (Lots of students smoke grass in the dormitory)
GRASS [grɑ:s] abbr.
abbr. Geographical Resources Analysis Support System; Great Revolutionary American Standard System; God Rocks And Satan Sucks
abbr., avia. grass landing area
abbr., med.appl. Gradient Recalled Acquisition in the Steady State (harser)
abbr., mil., avia. gamma ray ablation sensing system
abbr., nautic., scient. Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
mil. ground-to-air scanner surveillance
: 57 phrases in 9 subjects
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