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form [fɔ:m] n
gen. oblik; lik; prilika; raspored; poredak; red; način; uzorak; kalup; model; obrazac; formular; ponašanje; stil; društvena forma; formalnost; običaj; svečanost; ceremonija; držanje; postupak; spoljašnost
comp., MS obrazac (A structured document or template with spaces reserved for entering information and often containing special coding (e.g. to trigger data processing))
IT dokument sa mestima rezervisanim za unošenje informacija
law dosije; evidencija kažnjavanosti; forma; isprava; izgled; karton; kaznena evidencija; razred; struktura; telo; vid; vladanje (lat. forma; formare)
slang klupa; kriminalni dosije
sport. stanje; sposobnost; kondicija; snaga
forms n
construct. oplata
form [fɔ:m] v
gen. oblikovati; formirati; rasporediti; stvoriti; sačinjavati; proizvesti; razviti; urediti; zadobiti; uzeti; poprimiti (npr. običaj); nabaciti; osnovati; smisliti; služiti kao; oblikovati se; razviti se
gram. graditi; tvoriti
law činiti; dati oblik; formulisati; izraditi; napraviti; obrazovati; poprimiti; praviti; sastaviti; stvarati; uspostaviti; ustanoviti
mil. postaviti; spojiti
form [fɔ:m] adj.
law krivična evidencija; policijski dosije; policijski karton
 English thesaurus
form [fɔ:m] abbr.
abbr. formation
abbr., biol. fm
abbr., med. formic
agric. former
lit. The "shape" or organizational structure, opposed to the content, of a poem or piece of literature. Often form and content are related.
polym. formic
form. abbr.
abbr. former
abbr., chem. formic
abbr., earth.sc. formation; formula
FORM [fɔ:m] abbr.
abbr. Jetform Corporation; formula
abbr., avia. formula
abbr., org.name. Servizio sviluppo risorse forestali
tech. ferromagnetic object recognition matrix
tech., mil., avia. fault occurrence and repair model
FORMS abbr.
abbr., el. file organization modeling system
abbr., mil. Forward Observer's Ranging and Marking Scope
Form [fɔ:m] n
form In some applications (especially databases), a structured window, box, or other self-contained element that serves as a visual filter for the underlying data it is presenting [fɔ:m] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS ఫారమ్
FORM [fɔ:m] abbr.
abbr., busin. formation; formulation
abbr., earth.sc. first-order reliability method
abbr., oil first order reliability method
O&G fault occurrence and repair model
: 508 phrases in 15 subjects
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Mechanic engineering7
Non-governmental organizations1