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fateful ['feɪʧ(ə)l] adj.
gen. zlokoban; odlučan; koban; sudbonosan; proročki
law sudbinski; važan
 English thesaurus
fateful ['feɪʧ(ə)l] adj.
gen. having an important, especially bad, effect on future events (The goalkeeper on that fateful day in 1954 was Fred Martin. • When his rent was raised, he made the fateful decision to move north. • Tony is one of two silent victims of that fateful day. • Then in mid-July, shortly after his requested transfer to the U.S. Army finally came through, the fateful night arrived. • Wishart thought back to what he had heard about that fateful night at the banquet. • The scores of journalists who had descended on New Madrid for the fateful day ended up reporting on one another instead. • One fateful day, he was sitting on his horse when a stunt went awry in a John Ford picture. • The first delivery of post came and went on that fateful day, no letter. • Years later, all that she would remember of that fateful day were two things. • The least valued attribute may come to the rescue on some fateful day when that very quality is required. ldoceonline.com); a fateful action, event, or time is one that has an important and usually bad effect on what happens in the future (Since that fateful day her life had not been worth living. macmillandictionary.com); having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications (On that fateful night a disastrous landslide wrecked havoc on their scenic community. • For many, this was the horrifying, almost fateful consequence of the life he had led. • This was the one time she misused her powers, and it proved to have fateful consequences. • At this fateful juncture in our history it is vital that we see clearly who are our enemies, and that we deal with them. • He took the fateful decision to jump from the dinghy and swim for the shore but did not make it, despite being a strong swimmer and fit. • He no longer sits up nights like he used to, but memories of the fateful decision haunt him every day. • It was the one name that the queen was loath to hear at that fateful moment and her heart was hardened. • It was truly difficult to express into words what she had gone through on that fateful day. • I remember yelling at my brother in shock and disbelief that fateful April Fools' night. • However, those same predictions can whip us into frenzy if the fateful deadline looms ahead. • I realized many of the young men who lost their lives that fateful December were the same age as my own sons are now. • It's a fateful symbiosis in a downward spiral of political aspiration. • It is obvious that they expect him to make a more compelling case before such a fateful juncture is reached. • Politically-motivated gregariousness and poor time organisation proved fateful. • She spoke with us about fateful encounters and the knowledge she has gleaned. • After that fateful year, they made it to the finals only four times and they lost each time in a close contest. • But one fateful night, she forgot to replace the capstone on the sacred spring. • Then late in the summer comes the fateful day when you discover your results. • Both films follow three people whose lives become entangled after a fateful accident. • Fifty years after that first, fateful visit to Recreation Park, he saw silverware raised aloft. lexico.com); momentous, significant, setting or sealing one's fate (It started with that fateful trip, history was never the same afterwards. wiktionary.org); determined in advance by fate, fated (It started with that fateful trip, history was never the same afterwards. wiktionary.org)
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