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exception [ɪk'sepʃ(ə)n] n
gen. izuzetak; prigovor; izuzimanje; isključivanje
comp., MS izuzetak (An abnormal condition or error that occurs during the execution of a program. An exception requires the execution of software outside the normal flow of control)
law prigovor (npr. na tužbu); isključenje; iznimka; izuzeće; odbrana; odstupanje; ograničavanje; prigovor tuženog (lat. exceptio)
 English thesaurus
exception [ɪk'sepʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr. ex; exc
abbr., comp., MS Exchange ActiveSync (An abnormal condition or error that occurs during the execution of a program. An exception requires the execution of software outside the normal flow of control)
comp., MS Exchange ActiveSync (An abnormal condition or error that occurs during the execution of a program. An exception requires the execution of software outside the normal flow of control)
: 70 phrases in 3 subjects