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downgrade ['daʊnɡreɪd] n
amer. nizbrdica
road.wrk. pad
downgrade ['daʊnɡreɪd] v
amer. degradirati; umanjiti važnost; omalovažavati
law ražalovati; vratiti u niži čin; vratiti koga u niže zvanje (smb.); degradirati (smb., koga)
 English thesaurus
downgrade ['daʊnɡreɪd] n
mil., logist. To reduce the security classification of a classified document or an item of classified matter or material. (FRA)
USA To determine that classified information requires, in the interests of national security, a lower degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure than currently provided, coupled with a changing of the classification designation to reflect such a lower degree (JP 3-08)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject