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dispositions n
mil. dispozicija
disposition ['dɪspə'zɪʃ(ə)n] n
gen. uredenje; raspored; razmeštaj; uklanjanje; odstranjivanje; odluka; uredba; sklonost; naklonost; raspoloženje; narav; ćud
law diskrecija; disponovanje; dispozicija; dispozitiv; forma; izreka; izreka presude; karakter; nalog; odluka suda; odredba; ovlašćenje za raspolaganje; prenos svojine; presuda; priroda; rešavanje; shema; sposobnost; šema; uništenje
mil. stroj; tendencija; volja (lat. dispositio; dispositus)
tech. raspolaganje; razmeštanje
 English thesaurus
disposition ['dɪspə'zɪʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr., mil. dspn; dspo
law final outcome of a criminal case;  settlement of a business or legal matter; settlement of a business or legal matter; The final decision by the court in a dispute
mil., abbr. disp; dispn
mil., logist. An ordered arrangement of troops and/or vehicles for a specific purpose; An ordered arrangement of two or more ships, units, or aircraft proceeding together under a commander; Organized part of a unit or group of units; Distribution of the elements of a unit on the ground. In French, pertains only to small units. Related term: disposition. (FRA); Distribution of the elements of a command within an area, usually the exact location of each unit headquarters and the deployment of the forces subordinate to it. (FRA)
: 61 phrases in 5 subjects