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destroy [dɪs'trɔɪ] v
gen. razoriti; srušiti; uništiti
law istrebiti; likvidirati; poništiti; potamaniti; razbiti; razvaliti; rušiti; sravniti; tamaniti; ubiti; utamaniti; zatrti (lat. destruere)
 English thesaurus
destroy [dɪs'trɔɪ] v
mil., logist. A tactical task to physically render an enemy force combat-ineffective unless it is reconstituted. 2. To render a target so damaged that it cannot function as intended nor be restored to a usable condition without being entirely rebuilt. 3. In aviation missions, requires 70% incapacitation/destruction of enemy force. 4. In artillery, requires 30% incapacitation/destruction of enemy force tactical destruction. (FRA)
: 15 phrases in 1 subject