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depreciation [dɪˌpri:ʃɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] n
gen. obaranje cena; obezvredenje; potcenjivanje
cust. pad vrednosti; obaranje cene
law amortizacija; amortizacija duga; obaranje vrednosti novca; otpis; uvreda; vređanje
tech. smanjenje vrednosti; tehničko zastarevanje; otpisna vrednost; trošenje; otpis vrednosti
traf. umanjivanje vrednosti usled upotrebe; ekonomsko rabaćenje
depreciation [dɪ'pri:ʃɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] adj.
law amortizacioni otpis
 English thesaurus
depreciation [dɪ'pri:ʃɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr., oil dep; depr
IT The process of cost allocation that assigns the original cost of equipment to the periods benefited (The most common method of calculating depreciation is the straight-line method, which assumes that assets should be written off in equal amounts over their lives)
: 43 phrases in 3 subjects