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noun | adjective | to phrases
depot [ˈdepəʊ], US [ˈdiː-] n
gen. skladište; stovarište; depo
BrE centar za formiranje i obuku jedinica
law magacin; spremište; stanica; terminal
mil. baza
mil., amer. železnička stanica; autobuska stanica
depot ['depəu] adj.
law priručni magacin
mil. vojno stovarište (lat. depositum)
 English thesaurus
depot [ˈdepəʊ], US [ˈdiː-] n
gen. medication given by injection (from "Common terms and abbreviations in clinical files" gov.au Natalya Rovina); intra-muscular injection (from "Common terms and abbreviations in clinical files" gov.au Natalya Rovina)
mil., logist. Set of supplies positioned on the terrain in order to resupply units, and which might require management and maintenance operations. (FRA)
USA supply - An activity for the receipt, classification, storage, accounting, issue, maintenance, procurement, manufacture, assembly, research, salvage, or disposal of material; personnel - An activity for the reception, processing, training, assignment, and forwarding of personnel replacements (JP 4-0)
DEPOT ['depəu] abbr.
abbr. Dramatic Educational Performance Opportunity To...; Dramatic Educational Performance Opportunity To ....
: 44 phrases in 4 subjects