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debug [(')di:'bʌg] v
gen. ukloniti tehničke greške
comp. pronalaziti greške; tražiti grešku; otkloniti "mušice"; očistiti od grešaka
comp., MS otkloniti grešku (To detect, locate, and correct logical or syntactical errors in a program or malfunctions in hardware. In hardware contexts, the term troubleshoot is the term more often used, especially when the problem is a major one); otkloniti greške (To detect, locate, and correct logical or syntactical errors in a program or malfunctions in hardware. In hardware contexts, the term troubleshoot is the term more often used, especially when the problem is a major one)
IT otkloniti greške
tech. pronalaženje greške; debag
: 1 phrase in 1 subject