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verb | adjective | to phrases
consume [kən'sju:m] v
gen. uništiti; razoriti; trošiti; potrošiti; spiskati imetak; pojesti; popiti; konzumirati; provesti; traćiti vreme; trošiti se; istrošiti se; opadati; nestajali
comp., MS knjiženje utroška (A posting which registers which items were used, how much time was spent and what costs were incurred for a service. This type of posting does not increase the amount for which the customer will be invoiced)
cust. utrošiti
consumed adj.
comp., MS utrošeno (Pertaining to the items used, time spent and costs incurred during servicing that are not included in the invoice to the customer)
law konzumiran; obuzet; opčinjen; opsednut
: 12 phrases in 2 subjects