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noun | adjective | to phrases
client ['klaɪənt] n
gen. klijent; stalan posetilac; mušterija; stranka
comp., MS klijent (A computer or program that connects to or requests the services of another computer or program)
construct. vlasnik objekta; investitor
IT pripadnik klase u objektno orijentisanom programiranju koji koristi usluge druge klase
law branjenik; komitent; kupac; nalogodavac; naručilac; potrošač; štićenik (lat. cliens; cluens)
med. pacijent
clients n
law klijentela; klijenti; mušterije
client ['klaɪənt] adj.
law stalni posetilac
: 61 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology1