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to phrases
gen. blagajna u samoposluzi
law odjava; odjavljivanje
check out ['ʧek'aut]
gen. napustiti hotel; odjaviti se
comp., MS odjaviti (To retrieve a writable copy of a file or project from a source repository. This locks the file for editing to prevent others from overwriting or editing it inadvertently)
cust. kontrolisati; proveriti
law ispitati; izvršiti proveru; otići; podudarati se; pokazati se tačnim; pregledati; proći proveru; raspitati se o nekome (smb.); odjaviti (smb., koga); proveriti tačnost čega (smth.); testirati (smth.)
slang umreti; odapeti
check smth. out ['ʧek'aut]
law proveriti (što)
 English thesaurus
mil. control and monitor subsystem
Check Out ['ʧek'aut]
IT, abbr. CO (RCS)
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Non-governmental organizations1
Road traffic1