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verb | adjective | to phrases
bypass ['baɪpɑ:s] v
gen. mimoići; zaobići
construct. obilazna cev
cust. obilaziti; zaobilaziti
road.wrk. obilazni put (za rasterećenje gradske mreže od tranzitnog saobraćaja); obilaznica
tech. bajpas; mimoilaženje; optok; šent; zaobilazni put
 English thesaurus
bypass ['baɪpɑ:s] abbr.
abbr., construct. b.p.; bp.
mil., abbr. byp
mil., logist. A tactical task which involves maneuvering around an obstacle, position, or enemy force to maintain the momentum of advance. Bypassed obstacles and enemy forces are reported to higher HQ. (FRA)
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Road traffic2