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noun | verb | to phrases
buy [baɪ] n
gen. kupovina
law posao
Buy [baɪ] n
comp., MS Kupi (The button on a checkout screen that, when clicked, commits the buyer to a purchase agreement with the seller, as specified by EU guideline 2011/83/EU and other local laws); Kupovina (The level in the Media Console account hierarchy that represents the media buys that support an advertising campaign. The Buy level is subordinate to the Media Plan level)
buy [baɪ] v
gen. kupiti; otkupiti; podmititi; potkupiti
cust. kupovati
law iskupiti; poverovati; verovati
 English thesaurus
buy [baɪ] abbr.
abbr., amer., slang pop for something (It is my turn to pop for the doughnuts)
abbr., busin. buying
Buy [baɪ] n
st.exch., abbr. B
BUY [baɪ] abbr.
abbr., avia. Bunbury, Western Australia, Australia
abbr., busin. buyer
: 83 phrases in 4 subjects