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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
bus [bʌs] n
gen. autobus
comp. bas; informaciona šina
comp., MS magistrala (A communication line used for data transfer among the components of a computer system)
IT magistrala podataka; putanja prenosa podataka
photo. sabirnica
tech. magistrala; šina; sabirna šina; put prenosa
bus [bʌs] v
gen. prevoziti autobusom; voziti se autobusom
law prevesti autobusom
 English thesaurus
bus [bʌs] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. busbar
IT Common path or channel between hardware devices (Can be located between components internal to a computer or between external computers in a communication network)
mining. bus-bar
bus. abbr.
abbr. bushel (Vosoni); business (Vosoni)
abbr., electric. bus-bar
BUS [bʌs] abbr.
abbr. Boise Urban Stages; Business; Bodies Under Siege
abbr., avia. bulbar
abbr., file.ext. Broadcast and Unknown Server
abbr., IT Between Use Storage
abbr., lab.eq. Bartholin, Urethral, and Skene
abbr., med. bartholin, ureteral and Skene's glands
abbr., mil. Everything on the satellite except the mission payload
abbr., nautic. Batumi, Georgia
abbr., physiol. Bartholin, Urethral, and Skene glands
abbr., physiol., med. Bartholin, Urethral, And Skenes; Bartholin, Urethral, Skein's
abbr., scient. Black United Students
abbr., scottish Break-Up System
abbr., st.exch. Greyhound Lines, Inc.
energ.ind. build-up specimen
mil. backscatter ultraviolet spectrometer; basic unit supplement; breakup system
μBUS abbr.
abbr., el. microbus
Bus [bʌs] n
transp., abbr. B
BUS [bʌs] abbr.
abbr. Bureau of Ships
abbr., busin. bushel
abbr., med. Bartholin glands, urethra, Skene glands
abbr., pharm. busulfan
: 110 phrases in 14 subjects
British English spelling1
Information technology7
Optics branch of physics2
Public transportation7
Road traffic51