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noun | verb | to phrases
brew [bru:] n
gen. pravljenje piva; piće; mešavina; napitak
slang šoljica čaja ili toplog pića uopšte; alkoholno piće (uglavnom pivo)
brew [bru:] v
gen. praviti pivo; mešati
fig. kovati; spremati se; pripremati se
photo. razvijač (sleng); domaći razvijač (sleng)
 English thesaurus
brew. abbr.
abbr. brewing
BREW [bru:] abbr.
abbr. Beer Representatives For Everyone Worldwide; Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (CDMA, Oualcomm)
abbr., busin. brewer; brewery
abbr., inf. Beer made at home, and includes wine and liquor. Let's go get some "brew".
abbr., IT Binary Runtime Environment For Wireless
abbr., tradem. Blue Ridge Electrical Welding
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects