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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
bite [baɪt] n
gen. ugriz; ujed; ubod; komad; komadić; zalogaj
photo. hvatati se (u retuširanju: mesto koje treba retuširati pokrije se lakom da se olovka lako "hvata" za pair)
tech. hvatanje; zahvat
bite [baɪt] v
gen. gristi; ugristi; ujesti; ubosti; izjedati; nagrizati; štipati; prevariti; nasamariti; zagristi
law odgristi
 English thesaurus
bite [baɪt] abbr.
abbr., el. binary term
BITE [baɪt] abbr.
abbr. Beer In The Evening
abbr., avia. Built-In Test Equipment
abbr., ed. Behavior Information Thought And Emotion
abbr., ed., scient. Business Instructional Technical And Electronic; Business Instructional Technical Electronic
abbr., el. built-in test equip-ment
abbr., karate. base installation test equipment
abbr., mil. Built In Test Equipment; Built-in-Test Equipment
abbr., physiol. Behavior, Intermediary, Target, and Evaluation
abbr., physiol., med. Behaviour Intermediary Target And Evaluation
abbr., relig. Beginning Is The End; The BEGINNING IS THE END
abbr., tradem. Bulldog Innovation Technical Enterprise
mil. built-in test equipment
Bite [baɪt] n
milk. Bispecific T cell Engager (Conservator)
BITE [baɪt] abbr.
abbr., biom. Biometric Identification Technology Ethics (OstrichReal1979)
abbr., oil benthic inflatable toolstore enclosures; built-in-test
abbr., telecom. build-in test equipment
: 50 phrases in 6 subjects