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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
benchmark ['benʧmɑ:k] n
gen. znak za nivelaciju; oznaka za visinu; reper
IT test performansi hardvera i softvera
law kota; kriterijum; merilo; norma; referenca; smernica; specifikacija; standard
benchmark ['benʧmɑ:k] v
tech. testiranje performanse sistema
benchmark ['benʧmɑ:k] adj.
law referentna tačka; geodetska oznaka
 English thesaurus
benchmark ['benʧmɑ:k] abbr.
abbr. bm (Vosoni)
IT A test that has been designed to evaluate the performance of a system (In a benchmark test, a system is subjected to a known workload and the performance of the system against this workload is measured. Typically, the purpose is to compare the measured performance with that of other systems that have been subject to the same benchmark test)
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects