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verb | adjective | to phrases
attest [ə'test] v
gen. svedočiti; potvrditi; dokazati; pozivati se na svedoke
cust. overiti
law atestirati; biti svedok; jemčiti; pokazati; posvedočiti; potpisati pred svedocima; zakleti (lat. attestari)
attested [ə'testɪd] adj.
law atestiran; dokazan; overen; potvrđen; utvrđen
 English thesaurus
attest [ə'test] abbr.
abbr., busin. attestation
law to confirm, to certify, to  affirm under oath; to confirm, to certify, to affirm under oath; witness, to affirm to be true or genuine, to certify
: 12 phrases in 1 subject