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verb | adjective | to phrases
arraign [ə'reɪn] v
fig. pozvati na odgovornost
law optužiti (smb., koga); dovesti pred sud; izvesti pred sud; okriviti; podići krivičnu prijavu; podići optužbu; pokrenuti krivični postupak; teretiti; napadati; pobijati; opovrgavati
arraigned adj.
law optužen; tužen; izveden pred sud; izveden pred sud radi izjašnjavanja o krivici
 English thesaurus
arraign [ə'reɪn] v
law to formally advise defendant of criminal charges at an initial court appearance; Process where the person who is accused is brought before the court to hear the criminal charges against him or her and to plead guilty, not guilty or no contest
: 6 phrases in 1 subject