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ahem [m'hm] onomatopoeic word
excl. hm
 English thesaurus
ahem [m'hm] onomatopoeic word
excl. an exclamation or cough to get attention (Ahem! Could we please get started? wiktionary.org); an exclamation of disapproval or annoyance (Ahem! In case you didn't notice, I did my share, too. wiktionary.org)
excl., sarcast. an exclamation to indicate sarcasm (I really (ahem!) liked the chocolate broccoli surprise. wiktionary.org)
imitat. the sound of a quiet cough or of clearing one's throat (wiktionary.org)
AHEM [m'hm] abbr.
abbr., physiol. Acute Hemorrhagic EncephaloMyelitis
abbr., scottish Association of Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturers