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Mute [mju:t] n
comp., MS Privremeno isključi (An option that allows the user to temporarily suppress the device's microphone during a call so that no sound is transmitted to other call participants)
mute [mju:t] n
gen. nema osoba; mutavac; unajmljena narikača na sahrani
comp., MS privremeno isključi, priguši (To eliminate or temporarily suppress the sound produced by a device, such as a computer or digital media device. A device in such a state has a volume level of zero)
gram. bezvučni suglasnik; praskavi suglasnik
law nema osoba (lat. mutus)
mus. sordina
tech. bezvučni; ublažiti zvuk
theatre. statista
mute [mju:t] v
gen. prigušiti; sasvim smanjiti (npr. zvuk, glas)
mute [mju:t] adj.
gen. bez glasa; nem; tih
gram. koji se ne izgovara
law ćutljiv
 English thesaurus
MUTE [mju:t] abbr.
abbr., IT Multi User Textual Environment
abbr., mil. Multiplexed Unit for Transmission Elimination
mil. mobile universal test equipment
tech. miniature universal test equipment
: 22 phrases in 5 subjects