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seek [si:k] v
comp., MS procurar (To try to locate an object (a file, a folder, a computer, a text)); procura (An action, usually a method call, that moves the current time of a timeline to a new position)
comp., MS, Braz. busca (The process of moving the read/write head in a disk drive to the proper site, typically for a read or write operation)
IT, tech. pesquisa; ciclo de procura
 English thesaurus
SEEK [si:k] abbr.
abbr. Shared Employee Expertise and Knowledge; Sheffield Evidence For Effectiveness And Knowledge; Summer Events For Exceptional Kampers; Soviet Emigre Exploitation Kit
abbr., avia. system evaluation and exchange of knowledge
abbr., ed. Structured Educational Experiences For Kids; Students Exploring Employment Knowledge
abbr., ed., scient. Sophomores Endeavoring To Expand Knowledge
abbr., environ. Saving Earth's Environment through Knowledge
abbr., med. Safe Environment For Every Kid (bigmaxus)
abbr., mil., air.def. save electronic exchange keying
abbr., mil., avia. survival escape and evasion kit
abbr., NATO Secure Electronic Enrollment Kit (Nu Zdravstvuy)
abbr., sec.sys. secure electronic exchange of keys
mil. survival, escape, and evasion kit
Seek [si:k] n
progr., abbr. S
: 29 phrases in 8 subjects
Information technology3
Labor law1
Mechanic engineering1