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to phrases
respondents n
law partes contrárias
respondent [rɪ'spɔndənt] n
comp., MS, Braz. entrevistado (A party that provides a response)
law parte demandada; requerido
law, proced.law. demandado; parte requerida; recorrido
stat. inquirido
respondent IMF-STA, surveys [rɪ'spɔndənt] n
IMF. informante
 English thesaurus
respondent [rɪ'spɔndənt] abbr.
abbr. resp
law the person against whom a petition or appeal is brought; defendant in a civil case; If you are the person that answers the original Petition, you are the respondent. Even if you later file an action of your own in that case, you are still the respondent for as long as the case is open
law, abbr. resp.
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects