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to phrases
reset ['ri:set] n
commun. recompor
comp., MS repor (To set again with a different value); redefinir (To set again with a different value)
comp., MS, Braz. redefinir, restaurar configuração de fábrica (To set an entity, such as a feature, configuration, or object, back to its defaults); reiniciar (To archive the transaction history of a computer running FlexGo technology in the Provisioning Server database, and then register the computer, starting a new transaction history)
IT reinicialização; reiniciar
IT, dat.proc. reiniciação
mech.eng. regular; afinar
to reset ['ri:set] n
commun., el. rearmar; repor; restabelecer
IT, tech. restaurar
 English thesaurus
reset ['ri:'set] abbr.
abbr. resetting (ssn)
abbr., IT rst
USA A set of actions to restore equipment to a desired level of combat capability commensurate with a unit’s future mission (JP 4-0)
: 74 phrases in 11 subjects
Automatic control3
Earth sciences2
Electrical engineering1
Information technology9
Mechanic engineering2
Power system protection4