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to phrases
plum [plʌm] n
agric. ameixa
life.sc., agric. abrunheiro (Prunus domestica); ameixieira (Prunus domestica); abrunho (-)
nat.sc. marmóreo
plums n
transp., mech.eng., construct. pedras grandes para betão
 English thesaurus
PLUM [plʌm] abbr.
abbr. Price Lookup Universal Management
abbr., el. program library update manager
abbr., IT Portable Library Unit And Monitor; Probabilistic Language Understanding Model
abbr., mil., avia. payload launch module
abbr., oil pipeline/umbilical manifold
abbr., space payload umbilical mast; program library update and maintenance
Plum [plʌm] n
food.ind., abbr. P
: 63 phrases in 6 subjects
Food industry1
Life sciences2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation7
Natural sciences40
Obsolete / dated1