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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
pits n
industr., construct., met. covas; picaduras
met. corrosão localizada
stat., chem. picadas
pit [pɪt] n
coal. poço de mina
fin. anel; corbeille
industr., construct., met. cova; picada; picadura; buraco de areia; ponto de areia; concavidade
mech.eng. poço
met. picaduras; "pit"; forno de poço; corrosão superficial
nat.sc. pontuação
snd.rec. picadas; buraco
pitting ['pɪtɪŋ] v
agric. bexiga da chapa; plantação em buracos; descaroçamento
chem. sopragem; picos no filme por corrosão da base
industr., construct., chem. corrosão do vidrado
industr., construct., met. corrosão ascendente; erosão por efeito de broca; perfuração ascendente
mater.sc., construct. crepitação
mater.sc., el. corrosão pontiforme
mech.eng. desgaste por arrancamento
met. corrosão por picadas; picadura
nat.sc. pontuação
 English thesaurus
pit [pɪt] abbr.
abbr. platoon
O&G pitted
PIT [pɪt] abbr.
abbr., auto. piezoelectric ring transducer; pitman
abbr., avia. pitch; programmed instruction text; press to talk
abbr., med. pacing-induced tachycardia
abbr., mil., air.def. predetection integration time
abbr., mil., avia. parameter input tape
abbr., nautic. Pittsburgh Pa, U.S.A.
abbr., textile Provincial Institute of Textiles; fiber polytrimethylene terephthalate fiber
Pitts. [pɪt] abbr.
abbr. Pittsburgh
Pit [pɪt] abbr.
abbr., busin. pilot
PITS abbr.
abbr. Pay Is The Same; Persistently Intimidating Technology Syndrome; Pie In The Sky; Program Information Tracking System
abbr., avia. pack inlet temperature sensor; passive identification and tracking system
abbr., el. photo-induced transient current spectroscopy; photoinduced transient spectroscopy
abbr., environ. Pollution In The Streams
abbr., IT Persistent Information Technology System; Proprietary Integrated Telephone System
abbr., mil. Platform Integrated Transmitter System; Peak Instantaneous Transients and Subtleties
abbr., mil., avia. passive intercept tracking system
abbr., oil Petroleum Industry Training Service; pump-in-temperature surveys
abbr., relig. Prayer Intention Trust And Surrender
abbr., scottish Passive Identification & Targeting System
mil. passive intercept tracking system; personnel, intelligence, training, and supply; position interrogation and transmission system; propulsion integration test stand
tech. payload integration test set
: 236 phrases in 25 subjects
Earth sciences2
Energy industry2
Health care1
Life sciences5
Materials science5
Mechanic engineering26
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences51
Nuclear physics4
Thermal Energy1
Video recording2