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hyperlink ['haɪpǝlɪŋk] n
comp., MS hiperligação (A connection between an element in a hypertext document, such as a word, phrase, symbol, or image, and a different element in the document or in another location, a webpage, file, or script)
comp., MS, Braz. hiperlink (A connection between an element in a hypertext document, such as a word, phrase, symbol, or image, and a different element in the document or in another location, a webpage, file, or script)
IT, comp. hiperelo; hiperlaço; hiperligação
 English thesaurus
hyperlink ['haɪpǝlɪŋk] n
IT An electronic pathway that may be displayed in the form of highlighted text, graphics or a button that connects one web page with another web page address
: 16 phrases in 1 subject