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host [həust] n
gen. anfitrião
comp., MS sistema anfitrião (A computer that acts as a source of information or signals. The host computer provides services, such as news, mail, or data, to computers that connect to it. The term can refer to almost any kind of computer, from a centralized mainframe that is a host to its terminals, to a server that is host to its clients, to a desktop PC that is host to its devices, such as printers and scanners)
comp., MS, Braz. host (A computer that acts as a source of information or signals. The host computer provides services, such as news, mail, or data, to computers that connect to it. The term can refer to almost any kind of computer, from a centralized mainframe that is a host to its terminals, to a server that is host to its clients, to a desktop PC that is host to its devices, such as printers and scanners)
comp., net. computador hospedeiro
el. comutador principal
life.sc. hospedeiro
obs., IT host
hosted v
comp., MS alojado (Pertaining to an application on Microsoft Dynamics Live CRM and partner-hosted versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Deployments where the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is maintained for an organization by a third-party, such as Microsoft or a partner)
comp., MS, Braz. hospedado (Pertaining to an application on Microsoft Dynamics Live CRM and partner-hosted versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Deployments where the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is maintained for an organization by a third-party, such as Microsoft or a partner)
 English thesaurus
host [həust] n
med. The animal or plant or specific part of an animal or plant in which another organism or microorganism lives. For example, CD4 cells infected with HIV are called host cells.
HOST [həust] abbr.
abbr. Amerihost Properties, Inc.
abbr., avia. hands on simulation trainer
abbr., comp., net. Hybrid Open Systems Technology
abbr., dril. Hinged Over Sub-Sea Template (MichaelBurov); HOST® (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. History Of Science And Technology
abbr., el. harmonically optimized stabilization technique
abbr., med. Healthcare Open Systems And Trials
abbr., mil., avia. hardened optical sensor testbed
abbr., O&G Hinge-Over Sub-Sea Template (MichaelBurov)
tech. horizon sensor with turning head
tech., abbr. hardened optical sensor test bed
HOST® abbr.
abbr., dril. Hinge Over Sub-Sea Template (MichaelBurov); HOST (MichaelBurov); Hinged Over Subsea Template (MichaelBurov); Hinge Over Subsea Template (MichaelBurov)
HOSTS abbr.
abbr. Help One Student To Succeed
Host [həust] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .hst (file name extensions)
HOST [həust] abbr.
abbr., oil hinge over subsea template technology; Houston operations simulation technique
: 219 phrases in 25 subjects
Computer networks5
Earth sciences1
Health care4
Immigration and citizenship3
Information technology9
International Monetary Fund2
Labor law1
Life sciences3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences6
Pharmacy and pharmacology2
Research and development1