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noun | verb | to phrases
gait [geɪt] n
agric. capela de linho; feixe de linho
hobby, agric. andadura
industr., construct. carta de remetido; ordem de remetido; afinação do tear; pua
med. marcha
gaiting v
industr., construct. afinação do tear
 English thesaurus
GAIT [geɪt] abbr.
abbr. Government Accountability Improves Trust; Langer Biomechanical Group, Inc.; GSM ANSI-136 interoperability team
abbr., avia. Ground-Based Augmentation and Integrity Technique (Interex)
interntl.trade., abbr. General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
: 21 phrases in 4 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes1
Natural sciences2