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noun | verb | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
flag [flæg] n
gen. ladrilho para revestimento de solo; placa ou laje para revestimento do solo
comp., MS sinalizar (To associate a flag with a message or other item)
comp., MS, Braz. sinalizador (A graphic that indicates follow-up action is required, or otherwise identifies an important item)
dat.proc. referência
econ. bandeira
el. marca
IT indicador de estado
IT, el. indicador
law, transp., nautic. pavilhão
life.sc. laje
transp. bandeirola
transp., avia., mech.eng. leme de direção 
flags not of paper n
gen. pavilhões bandeiras
flags of paper n
gen. bandeiras em papel
flagging ['flægɪŋ] v
fin. sinalização
transp., nautic. embandeiramento
 English thesaurus
flag [flæg] abbr.
abbr. sentinel (ssn)
avia., Canada An aircraft warning device indicating that a navigation or flight instruments are inoperative or are not operating satisfactorily; or b navigation signal strength or quality falls below acceptable levels
mil., abbr. flg
FLAG [flæg] abbr.
abbr. F L A G Financial Corporation; Farmers' Legal Action Group
abbr., avia. Flemish Aerospace Group
abbr., biotechn. fixation
abbr., comp., net. fiberoptic link around the globe
abbr., ed. Foreign Language Association of Georgia (ННатальЯ)
abbr., el. fiberoptic link around the globe; fixed line, aerospace-to-ground
abbr., IT fiber optic link around the globe
abbr., scottish Fleet Location & Graphics; Flemish Aerospace Group (Belgium); Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided experiment programme
tech. fixed line aerospace-to-ground
Flag. abbr.
abbr. flageolet
FLAG [flæg] abbr.
abbr., relig. Fun Learning About God
FLAG [flæg] abbr.
abbr., avia. floor level above ground
abbr., pharm. fludarabine, Ara-C and G-CSF
abbr., telecom. Fiber optic Link Around the Globe
: 107 phrases in 25 subjects
Criminal law1
Fish farming pisciculture3
Hobbies and pastimes3
Human rights activism1
Information technology12
International Monetary Fund2
Life sciences1
Mineral products1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4
Natural sciences1
Nuclear physics1
Power lines1
Social science1