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to phrases
email ['iːmeɪl] n
commun. correio eletrónico
commun., IT, tech. correio electrónico
comp., MS enviar por correio eletrónico (To transmit a message or file through a communications channel); correio eletrónico (The exchange of text messages and computer files over a communications network, such as a local area network or the Internet)
comp., MS, Braz. enviar email (To transmit a message or file through a communications channel); email (The exchange of text messages and computer files over a communications network, such as a local area network or the Internet)
 English thesaurus
email ['iːmeɪl] abbr.
abbr., securit. electronic mail
EMAIL ['iːmeɪl] abbr.
abbr., IT Electricity Meter And Allied Industries Limited
: 19 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology1