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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
cog [kɔg] n
mech.eng. dente
comp., MS, Braz. COGS (An accounting category used to sum the financial consequences of manufacturing products and carrying inventory)
cogging ['kɔgɪŋ] v
mech.eng. dentadura; dente
 English thesaurus
cog. abbr.
abbr., med., lat. cogue
COG [kɔg] abbr.
abbr. center of gravity; Convenience of Government; cutoff grade (soa.iya); centralized ordering group; course over the ground
abbr., avia. Condado, Colombia; ceramics oxygen generator; chemical oxygen generator; crab oriented gyro
abbr., busin. coke oven gas; customer's own goods
abbr., el. chrome-on-glass (mask)
abbr., el., scient. Chip On Glass
abbr., goldmin. cut-off grade (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Computer Operations Group
abbr., math., scient. Clusters of Orthologous Groups
abbr., med. Children's Oncology Group; Central Oncology Group; clinical obstetrics and gynecology
abbr., met. coke-oven gas
abbr., mil. COGnizant; continuity of government
abbr., mining. centre of gravity
abbr., O&G, tengiz. close out group (Aleks_Teri)
abbr., oil Caspian Oil & Gas; common-offset gather
abbr., oil.proc. COG refinery (MichaelBurov); conversion oil to gas (MichaelBurov); gas oil conversion refinery (MichaelBurov); gas oil conversion (MichaelBurov)
abbr., PCB chip-on-glass (LyuFi)
abbr., phys., scient. Center Of Gravity
abbr., police Chief Officer Group
abbr., scottish Course Over Ground
abbr., st.exch. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation
abbr., tech. center of gravity (LyuFi)
abbr., transp. Chain Over Gear
abbr., UN, account. Crisis Operations Group
account. Cost of Goods
mil. current operational group
mil., abbr. computer operations group
tech., abbr. cell off-gas; condenser off-gas
CoG [kɔg] abbr.
mil. commander of the guard
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Mechanic engineering2