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budding ['bʌdɪŋ] adj.
agric. enxerto de escudo; enxertia de borbulha; enxerto de borbulha
life.sc. renovo; abrolhamento das gemas; brolho; desenvolvimento das gemas; gemulação; rebentação
nat.res. abrolhamento
nat.sc. rebento
 English thesaurus
budding ['bʌdɪŋ] adj.
med. The sixth of seven steps in the HIV life cycle. During budding, new HIV RNA and HIV proteins made by the host cell move to the surface of the host cell and assemble into an immature noninfectious HIV. After the immature HIV is formed, the virus pushes itself out of the host cell, taking with it part of the host cell's outer membrane. see also life cycle
: 18 phrases in 3 subjects
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