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Shut Down ['ʃʌt'daun]
comp., MS, Braz. Desligar (A menu item that provides options for restarting or turning off your computer, or for activating Stand By or Hibernate modes)
shut down ['ʃʌt'daun]
comp., MS encerrar (To close the operating system in an orderly fashion)
comp., MS, Braz. desligar (To close the operating system in an orderly fashion)
environ., energ.ind. paragem
industr., construct., chem. corte da folha; quebra da folha
industr., construct., met. paragem do forno
shutting down
gen. paragem
Shut Down
: 17 phrases in 10 subjects
Earth sciences2
Hobbies and pastimes1
Materials science2
Mechanic engineering2
Municipal planning1
Nuclear and fusion power1