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Hot spot ['hɔtspɔt]
met., el. face quente; ponto quente; zona quente
hot spot ['hɔtspɔt]
agric. ponto crítico
comp., MS, Braz. ponto de acesso (The position in a mouse pointer, such as the position at the tip of an arrow or the intersection of the lines in a cross, that marks the exact location that will be affected by a mouse action, such as a button press)
earth.sc. pico de maior contaminação; zona de maior contaminação
energ.ind. ponto quente
industr., construct., met. nascente de Gehlhoff; nascente térmica
mech.eng. aquecedor de admissão
med. local preferencial de mutação
met. pontos quentes
hot spots
environ. pontos críticos
transp., el. pontos quentes
agric. ataque aos pontos críticos
 English thesaurus
hot spot ['hɔtspɔt]
avia., amer. A location on an aerodrome movement area with a high risk of collision or runway incursion, and where heightened attention by pilots/drivers is necessary
mil., logist. Region in a contaminated area in which the level of radioactive contamination is considerably greater than in neighbouring regions in the area. (FRA)
Hot spot
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Earth sciences1