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.ics abbr.
comp., MS, Braz. ics (The file name extension of a file containing calendar information that can be shared among different calendar programs)
ICS abbr.
comp., MS, Braz. ICS (A Microsoft Windows technology that provides home and small-office computer users who have networked computers with the ability to share a single connection to the Internet)
 English thesaurus
IC abbr.
abbr. Illinois Central Railroad Co.; Institute of Chemistry; insurance company (EnAs)
abbr., avia. intercabinet; isobaric condition
abbr., busin. in charge of; increase; industrialized countries; information contre; inspected; integrated contractor; integration and checkout
abbr., CNC Integral Controller
abbr., commer. insurance committee
abbr., dat.proc. interval of confidence (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. ice crystals; illite crystallinity; inactive channel; incipient charnockite; inclination; indifference curves; infiltration capacity; inorganic carbon; internal calibration; internal calibrator; internal-conversion; interpolate first, calculate later procedures; intracloud; Investment Commission; isotopic correlation; Israel Corp.
abbr., ecol. internal circulation
abbr., econ. inward collection
abbr., electric. interconnection
abbr., fin. intellectual card
abbr., mech.eng. investment casting
abbr., med. insular cortex (ННатальЯ); injection cycle (ННатальЯ); Interventional Cardiology (код больничного отделения Ying)
abbr., oil image check; impregnated-carbon; in coming; income duty; Index Chemicals; index of correction; indication cycle; Indo-China; induction cartridge number; industrialized country; inelastic carbon; infinite-conductivity; informal communication; information and computing; information content; initial circuit; initial conditions; integrated controller; interface controller; interrupt control; investment capital; iron clad; iron constantan; iron core; isobaric contours
abbr., patents. independent claim (igisheva)
abbr., physiol. Intracellular (iwona); Intracardiac (iwona)
abbr., PR information centre (igisheva)
abbr., space indirect cycle; inhibit carry; intercom; interactive channel; interference cancellation
abbr., tech. integrated chip
Ic abbr.
abbr. critical current
ics abbr.
abbr. installment credit selling
ICS abbr.
abbr. Infinite City Sleaze; Infinite City Sprawl; Inventory Control Specialist; IBM Cabling System; Idiot Control Specialist; Immuno Compromised Services; Information Centres Services; Information Collaboration Site; Inner City Sleeping; Instant Cart Service; Indian Ceramic Society; Information Computer Systems, Ltd.; inter-communication system; Iron Casting Society; insurance capital standard; Integrated Circuitry System; Integrating Cognitive Systems; Intelligence Center and School; Intelligence Community Staff; Inter Cluster Separation; Intercommunication System; Interdepartmental Committee on Security; Interface To Content Server; Intermittant Current Surge; Internal Computer Settings; International Chamber of Shipping; International Classification for Standards (ISO); International Cogeneration Society; International Correspondence Schools; International Council for Science; Internet Courier Service; interphone control station; Inverse Capacitance Squared; Irish Computer Society (organization, Irland)
abbr., auto. idle control solenoid (GM); Impact Classification System (translator911); ignition control system; integrated circuits; intelligent control suspension; intercooler system
abbr., avia. internal countermeasures set; improved/integrated communications system; internal countermeasures system; inverse conical scanings; international commuter system; inspection call sheet; integration control station; inter-comm system; intercomm switch; inter-cockpit communication system; inter-communication intercom system; interface change summary; interface control specification; internal accounting control; internal communications set
abbr., cables IBM cabling system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp. Intuitive Command Structure (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., MS .ics (The file name extension of a file containing calendar information that can be shared among different calendar programs)
abbr., comp., net. Integrated Commerce Services; Integrated Communication Subsystem; Inventory Collection Service (Inventory, or the Inventory Collection Service (ICS) and Poller software component of RME, collects inventory data from the network devices and keeps the inventory updated Kenny Gray); Internet Component Suite (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., earth.sc. ice control structure; Indian Chemical Society; infrared camera system; International Commission on Stratigraphy; International Congress of Survey; ionic conductivity of soil
abbr., econ. Investment Climate Statement (Vosoni)
abbr., ed. International Community School; International Correspondence School
abbr., el. identification of character set; implementation conformance statement; impurity-concentration-controlled silicon substrate (structure); in-channel select (filter); industrial control system; information communications system; injected charge storage (effect); input contactor switch; integrated cabling system; intelligent communications service; intelligent communications system; interactive communication and simulation; interactive communications software; interactive computing system; interior communications system; intercomputer synchronizer; internal call service; internal correct system; international code signal; International Computer Symposium; Internet cashing system; inverse conical scan (jamming); ionization current source; ISDN control sublayer
abbr., el., scient. Integrated Cable Systems; Internal Component System
abbr., file.ext. Input Control Subsystem
abbr., inet. Internet Connection Sharing
abbr., insur. International Chamber of Shipping, London
abbr., IT Information And Computer Sciences; Integrated Communication Services; Internet Caching System
abbr., law International Crime Syndicate; internal control system
abbr., libr. Information Center Service
abbr., Makarov. integral cross section
abbr., med. Immotile Cilia Syndrome; Infirmières Conseillères De Santé; Intensive Care Society; Intercellular Space; Intercostal Space; International Cloning Society; International College Of Surgeons; International Cytokine Society; Intracellular Segment; Irritable Colon Syndrome; intercostal space; inhaled corticosteroid (ингаляционный кортикостероид Dimpassy); intracardiac shunt (внутрисердечный шунт Dimpassy); intracranial stent (harser); intercostal space (межреберье, межреберный промежуток Dimpassy); inhaled corticosteroids (the_kaloyan); International Continence Society (MichaelBurov); impulse conducting system; International Cardiovascular Society; intracranial space; International College of Surgeons (Geneva); Image Control System (iwona)
abbr., med.appl. Image Construction System (Siemens harser)
abbr., mil. Integrated Communication System; Integrated Communications System; Interim Contractor Support; InterComm System; Interference Cancellation System; incident command system; integrated country strategy; inter-Service chaplain support
abbr., mil., air.def. infrared communication system; Internet client station
abbr., mil., avia. information-control system
abbr., mil., WMD Instrument control system; Instrumentation and control system
abbr., nano inorganic cluster synthesis
abbr., O&G, sakh. information communication system; Integrated control system
abbr., O&G. tech. intervention control system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil customer instrument service; integral control system; inner continental shelf; induction coupling system; information and computing service; intelligence completion system; International Commission of Stratigraphy; International Computer Software Corporation; International Congress of Sedimentology
abbr., org.name. Interlinked Computer Storage and Processing System of Food and Agricultural Commodity Data
abbr., pharm. intranasal corticosteroids (Игорь_2006); inhaled corticosteroid (ингалируемые кортикостероидные препараты kat_j); inhaled corticosteroids (ингалируемые кортикостероидные препараты ИКС kat_j)
abbr., phys., scient. Incredible Cross Sections
abbr., physiol., med. Intercostal space
abbr., police Incident Command System
abbr., post ID code sortation (allows BCS to sort using flourescent ID tages as well as POSTNET barcode); ID Tag Code Sort; Identification Code Sort
abbr., product. industrial control systems (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., scottish Improved Composite Structure; Information Communication Services; Integrated Communications / Command System (UK); Intercockpit Communication System; Interim Contract Support
abbr., sec.sys. industrial cybersecurity (grafleonov)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Inexpensive Cloaking Script
abbr., shipb. interior communication system
abbr., space improved or integrated communications system; information collection system; information control system
abbr., sport. Internet Chess Server
abbr., st.exch. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
abbr., stat. Integrated Correspondence System (Интегрированная система корреспонденции (МВФ) Азери)
abbr., tech. intercommunication system
abbr., textile Instrumental Colour Systems
abbr., tradem. International Control Systems
Apollo-Soyuz integrity check system
energ.ind. information and computer system; instrument and control system; isolation condenser system
mil. improved communications system; infrared calibration system; infrared communications system; infrared countermeasures system; input control system; integrated checkout; integrated combat ship; integrated combat system; integrated command system; integrated communications system; interagency communications system; intercommunications control station; intercommunications system; interim contractor support; international code of signals; interphone control system; inventory control system; inverse conical scanning
tech. instrumentation and communications subsystem; instrumentation and control subsystem; instrumentation checkout station; instrumentation control system; integrated checkout system; integrated circuits standard; intercommunications set; internal communications system; iodine cleanup system
Ics abbr.
O&G service breaking capacity
: 2 phrases in 1 subject