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noun | abbreviation
worm [wɜ:m] n
comp., MS ವರ್ಮ್ (Self-propagating malicious code that can automatically distribute itself from one computer to another through network connections. A worm can take harmful action, such as consuming network or local system resources, possibly causing a denial of service attack)
 English thesaurus
worm [wɜ:m] n
IT A programmed network attack in which a self-replicating program does not attach itself to programs, but rather spreads independently of users’ action
WORM [wɜ:m] abbr.
abbr. Wisely Organized Replacing Machine; Worldwide Operational Record Management; Write-Once, Read Many times (Vosoni); write-once-read many (Александр Рыжов)
abbr., comp., IT Write Once Read Many
abbr., comp., net. Write-Once/Read-Many
abbr., dat.proc. write once read many times
abbr., el. write once, read many times (disc); write once, read multiple (disc)
abbr., el., scient. Write Once, Read Many
abbr., mil. write once read many
abbr., progr. write once/read many (ssn)
abbr., scottish Write Once, Read Many / Multiple
WORMS abbr.
abbr., ed., scient. Work Opportunities For Research Manning And Studies
WORM [wɜ:m] abbr.
abbr. write once read many driver