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tpr abbr.
abbr. teleprinter; trooper
TPR abbr.
abbr. Third Party Recruiter; Total Price Reduction; taper; trans-1,5-polypentenamer rubber; total pressure ratio; True Positives Rate (rebecapologini)
abbr., agric. temperature, pulse, respiration
abbr., auto. relative throttle position
abbr., avia. Tom Price, Western Australia, Australia; test problem report; top program risk; training personnel requirements; transponder; turbine pressure ratio; turbofan pressure ratio
abbr., biol. total peripheral resistance
abbr., chem. temperature programmed reduction
abbr., chem., scient. Temperature Pressure Relief
abbr., corp.gov. tripartite review
abbr., earth.sc. telescope photograph recorder
abbr., ed. Total Physical Response
abbr., el. tape programmed raw data; telecommunications policy roundtable; temperature profile recorder; temperature programmed reaction; terminal page retrieval; time pulse repeater; total positional radius; transaction processing routine; transmitter power rating; two photon resonant
abbr., f.trade. Trade Policy Review (ВТО mitasova)
abbr., law Terminate Parental Rights; Termination Of Parental Rights; temporary restraining order
abbr., mater.sc. thermo plastic rubber (Provoda)
abbr., med. Temperature; Total Pulmonary Resistance; Tumor Potentiating Region; temperature, pulse, and respiration; T.P.R. (MichaelBurov); temperature, pulse, respiration (MichaelBurov); temperature, pulse and respiration (Vosoni); temperature, pulse and respirations count (температура, частота сердечных сокращений, частота дыхательных движений Dimpassy); true positive rate (harser); temperature, pulse, and respirations; testosterone production rate
abbr., mil. Top Priority Request
abbr., mil., avia. teleprinter
abbr., mil., WMD Trend Program Report
abbr., nano temperature-programmed reduction
abbr., oil temperature profile recoder; temperature programmed reducing (process); thorium-potassium ratio; time-programmed reduction
abbr., opt. thermoplastic recording
abbr., phys., scient. Tangential Pond Return
abbr., physiol., med. Temperature Pulse Respiration; Temperature, pulse, respiration; Total Peripheral Resistance
abbr., plast. thermoplastic rubbers
abbr., polym. thermoplastic rubber
abbr., radiol. tissue phantom ratio (Katejkin)
abbr., sport. Team Play Rules; Team Prime Rib; Total Player Rating
abbr., st.exch. Transpro, Inc.
abbr., telecom. two-way polar repeater
ecol. temperature pressure recorder
immunol., med. Tubular phosphate reabsorption
mil. technical progress report; terrain profile recorder; test phase report; test problems report; test procedure record; trained personnel requirements
oil, abbr. tubing performance relationship
tech. technical performance report; telescopic photographic recorder; temperature profile recorder; test performance recorder
Tpr abbr.
abbr. pseudoreduced temperature; Trooper (British Army)
abbr., med. transpiration
Tpr. abbr.
abbr. trooper