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abbreviation | preposition | to phrases
PRO [prəu] abbr.
abbr., busin. project; proportionally
abbr., clin.trial. patient reported outcome (исход, сообщаемый пациентом kat_j)
abbr., oil polyreactive oligomers
pro [prəu] abbr.
gen. prophylactic
abbr. probation; probationer nurse; procedure; process (Vosoni); procure; procurement; profession; progress; progressive; promoted; promotion
abbr., busin. proceed; protest
abbr., sport. protection
inf. probationer; professional; prostitute
O&G prorated
univer. pro-proctor
Pro. abbr.
law per procurationem; protest
.pro abbr.
file.ext. Professionals (Domain Name, Internet); Profile (file name extension)
.PRO abbr.
inet. Professionals (Domain Name)
PRO [prəu] abbr.
abbr. In Favor Of; Paddock Radical Options; People Relating To Others; Perfectly Respectful Obedience; Performance Reward Options; Performing Rights Organization (КиноМузыка Online); Photographic Research Organization; Player Referee Organization; Practical Regional Opportunities; Precision Residue Opener; Pride Respect And Opportunity; Priority Repair Order; Privilege Responsibility And Opportunity; Procurement Research Office; Professional Rental Owner; proficiency; prototype; propeller order; Provencal, Old (to 1500)
abbr., amer. Private Rehabilitation Organization (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., BrE Pay Records Office
abbr., busin. Principal Risk Owner (bookworm)
abbr., clin.trial. patient-reported outcome (MichaelBurov); questionnaire where the responses are collected directly from the patient (MichaelBurov); self-report of a patient (MichaelBurov); patient reported outcome (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp. Precision RISC Organization (Vosoni)
abbr., el. parallel-rod oscillator; PA-RISC Organization; print octal; profile; programmable remote operation; Public Record Office
abbr., file.ext. Profile Configuration Data; Prolog language source (Vosoni); Graphics profile file (DOS); Prolog language source code file
abbr., med. Patient-Reported Outcomes; Peer Review Organization; Physician Review Organization; Professional Review Organization; Pronation; Protein
abbr., mil. personnel recovery officer
abbr., mil., avia. pen recorder output
abbr., mil., WMD preplanned response option
abbr., pharma. patient-reported outcome (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol. Prophylactic
abbr., scottish Anti-rocket defence (Russia)
abbr., sec.sys. protracted refugee operations
mil. parts release order; personnel relations office; pilot radio operator; planned requirements, outfitting; press officer; public relations office; public relations officer
mil., abbr. parts release order; personnel relations office; pilot radio operator; planned requirements, outfitting; press officer; public relations office; public relations officer
tech. pen recorder output; potentially reportable deficiency
pro [prəu] abbr.
abbr. per pro; per procurationem; pro skirt; pros and cons
pro. abbr.
abbr. progress; propeller; prophylactic
abbr., commer. probation; procuration; professional
abbr., econ. procuration for; in favour of
abbr., libr. proceedings; processed
Pro [prəu] abbr.
abbr. proline; Provost (British Army); provost
abbr., med. proline (or its radicals)
chem. Proline aminoacid (Vosoni)
sport., abbr. P
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects