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pb abbr.
abbr. problem
abbr., econ. privately bonded
abbr., sport. parallel bars; piebald
pb. abbr.
abbr., libr. published
PB abbr.
abbr. Paper Based; Playback; Private Bank; Private Banking; Punk Buster; planning brief (UK Alexander Matytsin); pad and boom (refueling); painted base; Palm Beach, California; Papa Bull; Parabolic Barrier; Parking Brake; Pass Back; Patriot's Baby; Psycho Bitch; Pb-Bi; Penis Baby; Perfect Body; Performance Barn; Perky Bitch; Personal Banking; Personal Box; Perspective Broker; Pervy Bastard; Peta Byte; Peter Bartram; Peter Boy; Phat Bastard; Phillip Barrow; Photon Blast; Physio Ball; Pineapple Bacon; Pipeline Burst (cache); Piperonyl Butoxide; Planters Bank; Playboy Bunny; Players Book; Plenty Bigoted; Pocket Basic; Polar Ball; Polished Brass (A Hun); Polymerase Basic; Pommy Bastard; Poo Bear; Pooh Bear; Poor Backup; Poor Beggar; Porny Boy; Possum Bub; Pot Belly; Power Booster; Power Bore; Powerful Blower; Practical Business; Prayer Beast; President's Budget; Previous Balance; Princess Bill; Printed Board; Prison Bitch; Productive Burp; Project Bucharest; Prominent Blogger; Property Bivalence; Prosodic Boundary; Protection Bit; Publications Board; Puck Bunny; Puckish Barrister; Puggy Bunny; pull box; Pure Bred; Purr Box; Pushy Bitch; Pushy Broad; Pushy Broads; The Primary Basin; The Property Of Being
abbr., anat. parietal branch (ННатальЯ)
abbr., anim.husb. protein-binding
abbr., auto. power brakes; performance bond; power brake
abbr., avia. piggy back; passenger on board; pilot briefing; pipe bending; policy board; power-back; prestall buffet; process bulletin; production baseline; production batch; production breakdown; profile block; publication bulletin; pull broaching; pressure burner
abbr., build.mat. particle board (kumold); particleboard (kumold)
abbr., cartogr. police box
abbr., comp. power button (Lena Nolte)
abbr., comp., net., IT Pipelined Burst
abbr., el. push button (switch); page buffer; parallel bus; parameter block; phonetically balanced; photon beam; Pidgeon-Brown model; piggybacking; plug board; poll bit; poly buffered; polysilicon-buffered; prebake; prebaking; press button; private bus; proprietorial bus; program buffer; public broadcasting; pulse broadening; Power BASIC
abbr., file.ext. Fax (FAXability Plus); Phonebook (WinFax Pro); Petabyte (1,024 terabytes, One Million Billion characters of information)
abbr., fin. programme budget
abbr., food.ind. Peanut Butter
abbr., forestr. potential biomass density
abbr., inet. Posted By
abbr., IT Performance Benchmark; Power Book; petabyte (MichaelBurov); packet burst; peripheral buffer; playback; plug-board; PowerBuilder (Bricker)
abbr., math., scient. Poisson Brackets
abbr., mech.eng. phosphor bronze
abbr., med. Peripheral Blood; Pinealoblastoma; Protein Binding; blood pressure; premature beats; pressure breathing
abbr., media. Page Break; Paper Back; Play Back
abbr., met. powder blowing
abbr., mil. Push Button; parts breakdown; Petabyte; patrol boat; peace building
abbr., mil., air.def. push-button (switch)
abbr., mil., avia. particle beam
abbr., mus. Played By
abbr., O&G plug back (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. broad fraction
abbr., O&G, sakh. pushbutton
abbr., O&G. tech. pipe body (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil pinched bit (andrushin); plugged back (andrushin)
abbr., opt. proton bombardment
abbr., pest.contr. plate bait
abbr., phys., scient. Primary Beam
abbr., plast. Polymer Based; polybutene
abbr., plast.surg. peroneus brevis
abbr., polit. Pemba Island
abbr., polym. polybutadiene; polyvinyl butyral; poly (1-butene)
abbr., post Pitney Bowes (vendor to USPS of products including postage meters); Postal Bulletin
abbr., progr., IT Project Builder; Public Beta
abbr., railw. Powered Bogie
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Patrol Boat (Inshore; I); Plasslike Bevolking - Local Population (South Africa); Plastic Banded; Procurement Board (UK)
abbr., sport. Passed Ball; Personal Best
abbr., tradem. Packard Bell; Playboy
abbr., transp. Piggy Back
abbr., vet.med., med. Polar Bear
biochem. Phenobarbital
chem. Lead (Plumbum)
energ.ind. plasma balance; plutonium booster; pool boiling; power balance; powerful battery; pressure boundary; pressurized boiler
gas.proc. packed bed
invest. participating bank
mil. particle beam; patrol bomber; pay book; payload bay; permanent base; permanent bunker; picket boat; pilotless bomber; planning board; plot board; porous base; practice bomb; precision bombing; preliminary breakdown; program breakdown; property book; provisional battalion; publications bulletin
pipes. polyethylene
railw. coach or chair car
tech. pipe break; plugged-back; plugging-back; polybutylene; power box; proportional band
Pb abbr.
abbr. bubblepoint or saturation pressure; plug-back depth; bubble point (MichaelBurov); bubble-point pressure (MichaelBurov); saturation pressure (MichaelBurov); Lead; plumbum (lead)
abbr., auto. lead/plumbum
abbr., avia. pressure ambient
abbr., life.sc. plumbum
abbr., med. lead; presbyopia.
abbr., mil., avia. burner, pressure
abbr., multimed. petabit
abbr., oil bubble pressure
avia. Probability of hit
Pb. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Petersburg
PbS abbr.
abbr. lead sulfide
PB. abbr.
abbr., textile purple blue
mil., abbr. Patrol Boat (Hydrofoil; Air Cushion)
PB abbr.
abbr. pilot balloon and/or rawin reports; pocket book; Publication Board
abbr., avia. passenger bridge; preflight bulletin
abbr., busin. pass book; power boiler; private brand
abbr., chem. pentaborane
abbr., CNC program blocks
abbr., commer. peso Boliviano; Pharmacopoeia Britannica; poids brut
abbr., earth.sc. Petroleum Board; phosphate buffer; planning and budgeting; plateau basalts; porphyroblastic; pressure drop across bit; primary biotite
abbr., med. post-bronchodilator (ННатальЯ)
abbr., oil parity bit; passbook; percussion bit; phosphate band; picrite basalt; pillow breccia; plateau basalt; plugboard; plugging plugged back; power block; precipitation body; productive body; Prudhoe Bay; Publication Board Report; pulse beacon; purplish blue; pyrolyzed bitumen
abbr., radio pull back
abbr., space pilotless bomb; preburner
abbr., sport. passed balls
abbr., tech. push button кнопка (aptr)
abbr., textile premium bond
PB abbr.
abbr., st.exch. Prime Broker ('More)
pb: 1 phrase in 1 subject