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crs abbr.
abbr. course; cross-section
abbr., earth.sc. continuous reactor system
cartogr. coarse
insur. Cars
polym. cross section
crs. abbr.
abbr., commer. course; creditors
abbr., econ. credit; credits
abbr., tech. cross-section
CRS abbr.
abbr. Center for Resources Studies; Certified Residential Specialist; Creation Research Society; Cash Recycling System; Central Referral System (Franka_LV); chemical reference substance (nipetra); Coast Rail Services; Combined Reconnaissance System; common reporting standard (kee46); COMIREX Requirements Structure; Community Residential Services (AMlingua); Computer Readable Service; certified reference sample (igisheva); certified reference standard (igisheva); central reservation system; Cereal Research Station; coconut research station; central reserve stock
abbr., astr., scient. Cambridge Reference Sequence
abbr., auto. common rail system; common-rail system; child restraint seat; coasting richer system; coolant recovery system; crank position sensor; cruise system
abbr., avia. cost repercussion sheet (Interex); Contracts and Radar Systems; computer reservation system (A.Rezvov); Computer Reservation System (MichaelBurov); calibration requirements summary; composite route system; consolidated requirement schedule; cost reduction study; cruise; cryogen retract system
abbr., bank. chargeback reduction service
abbr., BrE camp reception station
abbr., busin. cash by return steamer; corrosion resistant steel; creditors
abbr., chem. Chemical Reference Standards (Игорь_2006); Chemical Registry System (Игорь_2006)
abbr., cinema Community Rating System
abbr., commer. Computer Resources Support
abbr., comp., net. customer response system
abbr., cryptogr. common reference string
abbr., earth.sc. celestial reference system; Center for Remote Sensing; central recording station; Centre for Resource Studies; ceramic research station; chromium reducible sulfur; coefficient of rock strength
abbr., ed. Child Restraint System
abbr., el. call redirection server; call redirection supervisor; call-reply system; call routing system; cellular radio system; cellular radiotelephone service; central radio station; chain-radar system; chemical refill system; circuit reset; clock-rate select; coherent Raman spectroscopy; command retrieval system; communication resource server; condition register select; conductive reflow soldering; conflict resolution strategy; confocal review station; cryptographic service
abbr., file.ext. WordPerfect 5.1 File Conversion Resource
abbr., fin. creditor reporting system
abbr., fr., space Comite des Recherches Spatiales
abbr., genet. cis-acting repression sequence
abbr., heavy.eq. complete residue system (igisheva)
abbr., immunol. class switch recombination (iwona)
abbr., insur. Coast Radio Station
abbr., IT Cell relay Service; Configuration Report Server; Challenge Response System
abbr., lab.eq. Clinical Research and Statistics
abbr., law Colorado Revised Statutes
abbr., med. California Radiological Society; Caudal Regression Syndrome; cardiorenal syndrome (harser); Chicken Reference Serum (harser); Chinese restaurant syndrome (Игорь_2006); chronic rhinosinusitis (хронический риносинусит (ХРС) Шакиров); Coma Remission Scale (ННатальЯ); congenital rubeola syndrome (Vladimir71); colon-rectal surgery; congenital rubella syndrome; contamination reduction system
abbr., mil. Congressional Research Service; Catholic Relief Services; Chairman's readiness system; coastal radio station; coastal riverine squadron; community relations service; container recovery system; Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization
abbr., mil., avia. centralized referral system
abbr., O&G, sakh. CRS-Evans Pipeline International, Inc.
abbr., oil cash by return stream; caustic regeneration system; Center for Resource Studies; central record station; channel raster system; coarsely; completion riser system; composite reference section; constant rate of strain; constant rate of supply; controlled random search; corrosion-resistant steel; cut and retrieve swivel
abbr., oncol. cytoreductive surgery (хирургическая циторедукция doc090)
abbr., ophtalm. cherry-red spot (симптом вишнёвой косточки doc090); chorioretinal scar (хориоретинальный рубец doc090)
abbr., org.name. Catholic Relief Service
abbr., pharm. chemical reference substance (paseal)
abbr., polym. cold rolled steel; critical resolved stress
abbr., post Catalog Request Service (2005); Congressional Reporting Service
abbr., scottish Component Repair Squadron; Computer/Radio Set; Container Release System
abbr., shipb. corrosion resistance steel
abbr., space Canadian Rocket Society; cosmic ray subsystem
abbr., st.exch. Carpenter Technology Corporation
abbr., tax. Common Reporting Standard (Стандарт автоматического обмена информацией о финансовых счетах Ying)
abbr., tech. CAT Regeneration System (двигатели Caterpillar sega_tarasov); Comment Review Sheet (S. Manyakin); Comment resolution sheet (Procyon_lotor)
abbr., tradem. Consumer Recreation Services
abbr., transp. Carrier Routing System; Computer Reservations System
comp., abbr. computerized reservation system
energ.ind. confirmatory random sampling
mil. control and reporting system; countermeasures receiving set
mil., abbr. career reserve status; chain radar system; coastal radar station; combat ready status; contractor relations specialist; corps rest station; crew reserve status
tech. cold-rolled steel
tech., abbr. coherent Raman scattering; conductivity recording switch; containment recirculation spray
Crs abbr.
abbr. cristobalite
abbr., mech.eng. centers
pulm. compliance of the respiratory system (iwona)
CRs abbr.
abbr., med. conditional reflexes