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cnd abbr.
abbr. condition; compound
CND abbr.
abbr. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Caldera Network Desktop (Linux); Caller Number Delivery (MODEM); Congregation of Notre Dame (64$?); Canada; Committee of National Defence
abbr., avia. conduit (Interex); coining die
abbr., ed. Child Nutrition Division
abbr., el. caller number display; cumulative normal distribution
abbr., health., med. Cider N Drugs
abbr., IT Calling Number Display
abbr., med. Commission On Narcotic Drugs
abbr., media. China News Digest
abbr., mil. counternarcotics division
abbr., mil., avia. Chief of Naval Development
abbr., nautic. Constantza, Romania
abbr., neurol. Center for Neurodegenerative Disease
abbr., physiol., med. Concerned Nervous Disorder
abbr., scottish Cannot Duplicate; Captain, Naval Drafting (UK)
abbr., space can not duplicate; computer network defense
abbr., tradem. Communications And Networking Division
abbr., UN, sl., drug. Commission on Narcotic Drugs
airports, avia. Constanta, Romania
busin., abbr. Canned
mil., abbr. code names dictionary