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cHb abbr.
abbr., med. blood hemoglobin concentration (Лорина)
CHB abbr.
abbr. Chibcha; Custom House Broker; credit history bureau (MichaelBurov); Curly Haired Bastard; customhouse broker
abbr., avia. chemical battery
abbr., chem. cyclohexyl benzene (Elkman)
abbr., el. character buffer
abbr., law custom-house broker (Булавина)
abbr., med. Centre For Human Bioethics; Chronic Hepatitis B; Complete Heart Block; Congenital Heart Block; chronic hepatitis B (хронический гепатит В aksolotle)
abbr., media. Cooperative Housing Bulletin
abbr., met. charcoal hammered bloom
abbr., mil. Cargo Handling Battalion; Container Handling Building; cargo-handling battalion
abbr., mil., WMD container handling building
abbr., oil chloroform bitumen; chloridised bodies; chloroformed bituminoid
abbr., radio Chain, home beamed
abbr., st.exch. Champion Enterprises, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Chung Hwi Builders
mil. cargo handling battalion; chief of the bureau
tech. Chain home beamed
ChB abbr.
gen. Bachelor of Surgery (ABelonogov)
abbr., med. Bachelor of Surgery (Chirurgiae Baccalaureus)
chb abbr.
abbr., sport. centre half-back
Chb abbr.
abbr. chabasite