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noun | abbreviation | adverb | to phrases
UP [ʌp] abbr.
abbr., auto. unit fuel injection pump
UP [ʌp] abbr.
abbr. unit price (Skipirich); unbleached pulp
abbr., avia. universal platform; unplated
abbr., commer. under the provision of
abbr., earth.sc. University of Philippines
abbr., IT user process
abbr., oil unclassified pluton; under the provisions of; undercoat paint; unearned premium; unregistered; unzoned plagioclase; utility program
abbr., space unrotated projectile; upper stage
UP- abbr.
abbr. upper
UP [ʌp] abbr.
abbr. Un Planned; Unlimited Power; Uni Processor (system); United Presbyterian; United Press; Unnumbered Poll; Urea Phosphate; Utah Power; Uttar Pradesh (vitatel); Utterly Pathetic
abbr., afr. United Party; Universiteit van Pretoria/University of Pretoria
abbr., automat. uniprocessing
abbr., avia. user parameter
abbr., chem., scient. Usine De Plutonium
abbr., ed., scient. University of Pennsylvania; University of Pittsburgh; University of Portland; University of the Philippines
abbr., el. microprocessor; ultrapure; universal processor; University of Paris; unnumbered polling; uranium monophosphide; user participation; user plane; user program
abbr., file.ext. Uniprocessor
abbr., inet. Unwired Planet
abbr., IT User Profile
abbr., med. upright posture; ureteropelvic; urinary potassium; uroporphyrin
abbr., mil., avia. under the provisions of
abbr., oil TBG upset tubing
abbr., polit. Upper Peninsula
abbr., polym. unsaturated polyester; unsaturated polyesters; urethane plastics
abbr., progr. unified process (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Unified Process
abbr., railw. Union Pacific Railroad Company
abbr., scient. University of Peshawar
abbr., scottish Unguided Projectile
abbr., soil. upland landform
abbr., sport. Utilizing Potential
abbr., tech. ultrasonic peening (Technical)
abbr., tradem. University Press; Union Pacific
abbr., univer. University Preparation (Ying)
comp. user part
energ.ind. ultimate pressure; universal pressure; uranium plant
meteorol. unrotative projectile
polit. Ukraine
tech. ultraportable
up [ʌp] abbr.
abbr. upper
abbr., busin. under proof
abbr., el. underproof
slang happy and cheerful (He has been up ever since he met his new girlfriend)
Up [ʌp] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. postglacial uplift
progr., abbr. U
up. abbr.
abbr., tech. upper
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Nuclear and fusion power4