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TAC abbr.
abbr. Teen Advisory Council; Time Activity Curve; Traffic Acquisition Cost; Tactical Access Controller; Tactical Air Command see >; Tactical Command Post; Teach Advise And Counsel; Teach Assess And Counsel; Technical Activities Committee; Technology Access Center (Rogue-Wave); Technology Assessment Center; Teens Against Cancer; Teens Against Chemicals; Telemetry and Command Computer; TELENET access controller; Tenants Are Customers; Terminal Access Circuit; Terminal Access Control; Terminal Control Area; Terrain Analysis Center (U.S. Army); Test Advisory Committee; The Angel Company; transit authorization certificate; time average computer; turbine-alternator-compressor; turbogenerator compressor; Training Accreditation Council (Johnny Bravo); The Art Corner; Theater Airlift Command; This Ain't Controls; Tiger Authentication Committee; Time Amplitude Converter; Title Author Call; Took A Crap; Total Activity Cycle; Total Aerial Combat; Total Airflow Control; Total Allowed Catches; Total Amount of Codes; Total Area Coverage; Total Available Carbohydrate; Total Average Cost; Totally Accurate Controller; Totally Arm Chair; Trade Agreement Committee; Training And Awareness Conference; Transparent Audio Compression; Transportation Account Code; Tri-Service Tactical Digital Communication System; Triangle Array Cross; Triple A Chicago; Trustee Assistance Corporation; Type Of Address Code
abbr., agric. total allowable catch
abbr., aikido. Type Approval Code (утвержденный код типового образца Yuriy83)
abbr., astr., scient. The Astronomy Connection
abbr., auto. thermostatic air cleaner; throttle actuator control; thermostatic controlled air cleaner
abbr., avia. tactical air center; taxiing aid camera; technical acceptance completion; Thai Airway Co., Ltd.; thrust asymmetry compensation; total accumulated cycle; transistorized automatic computer; translator assembly compiler; transonic aerodynamic characteristics; trim augmentation computer; terminal area chart; terminal chart
abbr., bot. total anthocyanin content (iwona)
abbr., comp., net. technical assistance center
abbr., comp., net., IT Terminal Access Controller
abbr., construct. thick asbestos-cement (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., dialys. time-averaged concentration of urea
abbr., drug.name Triamcinolone
abbr., EBRD Technical Assistance Centre (raf)
abbr., ed. Technical Assistance Center
abbr., ed., scient. Thomas Aquinas College
abbr., el. tape adapter cabinet; target acquisition capability; technology advancement center; Telephone Association of Canada; temporal access control; terminal access controller; test access control; thermal analog computer; thermoacoustic cell; thyristor-assisted commutation; token-access controller; total automatic color control; total automatic computer; totally advanced cleaning; transistorized analog computer; tree access and control
abbr., el., scient. Time To Amplitude Converter
abbr., electr.eng. turbine automatic control
abbr., fin. systemically important financial system
abbr., IT Take A Chance; token access controller; transistorized automatic control; Transaction Code
abbr., med. Transient Amplifying Cells (cells That Have The Potential To Complete A Limited Number Of Divisions Before Differentiating); Trauma Association Of Canada; Trauma Association Of Canada. Association Canadienne De Traumatologie; thoracic aortic calcification (harser); total antioxidant capacity (ННатальЯ); Therapeutic Abortion Committee; total aganglionosis coli
abbr., med.appl. total abdominal colectomy (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., mil. Tactical Air Command; Team Aerial Combat; Technical Advisory Committee; Threat Adaptive Countermeasures; tactical advanced computer; terminal access controller; terminal attack control; terminal attack controller
abbr., mil., WMD training activities contractor; Transatlantic Center; transport associated car
abbr., nautic., econ. capture admissible totale; volume admissible des captures; prise totale admissible
abbr., nautic., scient. Total Allowable Catch
abbr., pharm. Technical Auditing Committee (Katherine Schepilova)
abbr., physiol. Taxotere, Adriamycin, and Cytoxan; Triple Antibiotic Cream
abbr., polym. triallyl cyanurate
abbr., scottish Tactical Advanced Computer; Tactical Airlift Command (Now defunct (USA)); Trapped Air Cushion
abbr., sec.sys., IT Tactical
abbr., tech. The Architects Collaboratives; tactical Air Command; tactical air coordinator airborne
abbr., textile Trade Advisory Council
abbr., toxicol. TPC (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tradem. The Adventure Company; Tomografia Assiale Computerizzata
abbr., transp. Transport Accident Commission; Transportation Association Of Canada
abbr., UN Treaty Of Amity And Cooperation
aeron. Tacan
el. Telemetry and Command
energ.ind. task action commitment; technical assignment control; technical assistance contract; toxic air contaminant
meteorol. tachometer
mil. tactical air control; tactical air controller; tactical airlift center; tactical assignment console; tactical coordinator; tactical CP; tank tire control; target acquisition center; target acquisition console; technical applications center; technical area coordinator; telemetry and control; terminal area control; theater Army communications; tracking accuracy control; training aids center; training alarm controller; trouble analysis chart; type of activity code
tech. teletext data acquisition and control module; television advisory committee; time-to-amplitude converter; transformer analog computer; translator, assembler, computer
tac abbr.
abbr. tactician; tactics
tac. abbr.
abbr. tactical
abbr., geophys. tachometer
tac abbr.
abbr., mil. tactical TAC
tac. n
mil. tactic
Tac abbr.
abbr. Tactical
TaC abbr.
abbr. Tantalum Carbide
TACA abbr.
abbr., mil. tactical air coordinator (airborne)
TAC MichaelBurov abbr.
abbr., toxicol. tentative permissible concentration (MichaelBurov)
TAC abbr.
abbr. tactical air coordinator; Technical Assistance Committee (of UNESC); Temco Aircraft Corp.; Tokyo automatic computer; transistor automatic computer; Air tactical airplane (aircraft)
abbr., avia. tactical air commands; trim augmentation composite; turbo-alternator compressor
abbr., busin. Temporary Acceptance Certificate (sai_Alex); treaty of amity and commerce
abbr., commer. Transport Advisory Committee
abbr., comp. TRANSAC assembler compiler
abbr., earth.sc. Technical Activities Committee (ASCE); Terrain Analysis Center; total absorbance color; total absorbance colour; total anaerobic count; total annual cost; total anorganic carbon; total available chlorine
abbr., econ. Technical Assistance Committee; total adjusted cost
abbr., fin. targeted amortization class
abbr., med. transient aplastic crisis
abbr., oil Technical Advisory Center; translator-assembler-compiler; tubing anchor catchers
abbr., space technology application center; thermosetting asbestos composite; transistored analog computer
abbr., tax. Taxpayer Assistance Center (dimock)
abbr., toxicol. approximate permissible concentration (MichaelBurov); tentative allowable concentration (MichaelBurov); APC (MichaelBurov)
TAC abbr.
abbr., school Tardiness Accountability Chart (BabaikaFromPechka)
TAc abbr.
abbr., org.chem. toluic acid (igisheva)
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