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noun | verb | abbreviation
SEE [si:] abbr.
abbr. Search Evaluate Execute; Social And Environmental Entrepreneurs; Social Environmental And Economic; Social Environmental And Ethical; South East Europe; South Eastern Europe; Space Environments Ecovillage; Support Encourage And Enhance; Support Encourage Enhance; Binary Painter Operator; Gillespie Field, San Diego, California USA; School of Electrical Engineering; Selection, Education, and Enrollment; Senior Educational Experience; Society of Environmental Engineers; Society of Explosives Engineers; Softcopy Exploitation Environment; South-Eastern Europe (4uzhoj); Students For Energy Education; Successful Education Endeavors; Summer Exploratory Experience; Supplementary Electronic Equipment; System Engineering and Evaluation; Systems Equipment Engineering; survival, evasion and escape
abbr., AI. SEE (Szenenanalyse-Programm)
abbr., avia. single event effect (MichaelBurov)
abbr., biophys. sleeping energy expenditure (igisheva)
abbr., BrE senior electrical engineer
abbr., commun. specific embedded emissions (ipesochinskaya)
abbr., ed. Science And Everyday Experiences; Signing Exact English; Summer Enrichment Experience; Support Education And Encouragement
abbr., ed., scient. Science Education And Ethics
abbr., el. secondary electron emission (device); senior electronic engineer; signal experimental establishment; single event effect (failure); space environmental experiment
abbr., energ.ind. Static Exitation Equipment (VAU)
abbr., fin. standard error of estimate
abbr., inet. Search Engine Entrance
abbr., karate. single event effect (относится к категории одиночных случайных эффектов, вызываемых частицами с высокой энергией nikolkor)
abbr., math., scient. Standard Error Of Estimate
abbr., med. Surgical Eye Expeditions; systemic embolic events (Desdichado)
abbr., mil. Small Emplacement Excavator; Standard External Evaluation; Single Event Effects
abbr., mil., avia. SAGE evaluation exercise
abbr., progr. software engineering environment (ssn)
abbr., scient. Society Economy And Environment; Static Exchange Evaluation
abbr., scottish School of Electronic Engineering; Systems Effectiveness Engineering
abbr., st.exch. Sealed Air Corporation; Stock Earnings Escalator; Swiss Electronic Exchange
energ.ind. system effectiveness evaluation
mil. small emplacement excavator; strategic bomber enhancement; systems effectiveness evaluation; systems efficiency expert
tech. senior electronics engineer; signal experiments establishment
see [si:] abbr.
abbr. s; v. (Vosoni); seen; super-critical cryogenics
abbr., automat. supervisory computer control system
abbr., electr.eng. short circuit current
abbr., mater.sc. stress corrosion cracking
abbr., telecom. satellite communication center
See [si:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. source
SEEN [si:n] abbr.
abbr. Seeing Eye And Elephant Network
abbr., med. Sociedad Española De Endocrinología Y Nutrición
abbr., relig. Sustainable Energy And Economy Network
tech. Syndicat d'etudes de l'Energie Nucleaire
seen [si:n] v
gen. see
SEE [si:] abbr.
abbr. Safety Evaluation Earthquake (соответствует максимальному расчетному землетрясению Natalia_Lia); senior electrical engineers; Signals Experimental Establishment
abbr., avia. system and electronics engineering
abbr., earth.sc. east-southeast; shaft excavation effect; Southeast England