
   English thesaurus
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abbr. O&G, sakh. P
abbr. pro; proc
mil. abbr. pm; prcmt
Seminar | for
abbr. avia. Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
abbr. mil. Family of Operational Rations; Field-Of-Regard
abbr. st.exch. Fortis Security, Inc.
| Auditors
mil. abbr. aud

to phrases
procurement [prə'kjuəmənt] abbr.
abbr. pro; proc
mil., abbr. pm; prcmt
mil., logist. Act of buying or having manufactured, for the agency responsible for supplies, the resources needed for maintenance. (FRA)
Procurement [prə'kjuəmənt] abbr.
abbr., O&G, sakh. P
Procurement: 23 phrases in 3 subjects
United States2